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Be like St. Dominic Savio…a model of Sanctity!

None of us are saints but we can all do better. St Dominic Savio said, “I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.” We too can glorify God by being faithful in the small things we do. What are those small things we can do? Let’s feed our mind with all the positive things which will enable us to behave well with those around us because our mind is what we feed it. Think of a positive attitude like a survival tool and carry it with ourselves at all times for emergencies. Let’s control our language. This is about being conscious of the words we use when speaking and thinking. Let’s be generous. If we make being nice to other people a regular thing, it’ll become a cycle of generosity and happiness that makes us feel good and causes those around us to feel happy as well. Let’s assume responsibility, and choose our response correctly. Let’s stop complaining and embrace laughing and learning. Every human being is special in God’s eyes. Each one of us can nurture Little St Dominic Savio in us. The feast of St Dominic Savio was celebrated over three days, from July 5 to 7, and included a mass in which all Catholic students participated wholeheartedly with melodious singing and offerings of stationery for less fortunate students, which was truly heartwarming, while students of other faiths attended a prayer service. As a break from their daily academic schedule, the kids went to see a movie at Inox. The life of St Dominic Savio inspires us all to be engaged and responsible citizens with a gentle, strong heart and firm mind.