January 10, 2020
“Forever In Our Hearts”

With broken hearts we mourn the tragic death of Rashmit Martins. Rashmit was born on 12th January 2005. He joined Don Bosco High School in Kindergarten. He was a very pleasant and an accommodating boy studying in Std IX, an assuming person, loving and hard working with a good set of principles . He was a loving son full of enduring tenderness and integrity towards his family. He possessed the ability to excel at things worthwhile, whether drawing, science, or friendship and sincerity. No doubt his tragic demise on 7th January 2020 has been very disturbing for everyone and for the many other people who knew and cared for him. Words may not suffice to express our heartfelt sorrow that we feel for the passing away of our dear student. Rashmit may be gone but will never be forgotten. May he Rest in Peace. May God grant his family, friends and everyone at school the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.
"An angel visited the green earth, and took a flower away…the one in a million"